Friday 21 April 2017

Creativity & Jogging

Did you wonder what happened to me last Friday? There you were, primed and ready to read my regular Friday blog spot and ...what!!?! No Blog!! Hmmm. Well, I was having the most lazy Easter holiday week imaginable and on that particular day, I had managed to drag my potatoey self off the sofa and drive out to the countryside to spend some more time lounging around on other sofas, eating ridiculously toxic levels of candy... and there was no wifi there, hence no blog.

Actually, I'm feeling a bit bad about the whole thing.. not missing the blog, I know you lot are a lovely forgiving bunch of souls. No, I'm feeling disgusted with myself for the amount of gross chocolate and candy I consumed and the near catatonic levels of laziness.

So I was very pleased to get back home and get the new week started with a nice 4 k run. I read a brilliant article in a recent International New York Times newspaper which said that extensive studies show that jogging is the best type of training for overall health and lengthening life span. And get this.... every hour you spend running gives you 7 hours of extra life! True! Scientists said so! ;-)
That is something to think about when I am running... keep me going.

Something else that gives me huge pleasure, apart from running, is my customers creativity. I love seeing what my customers do with my fabrics and things.
I love this dress by Mimpim Design. They usually make funky baby and kids clothes but I guess Mum decided she wanted some funky stuff too! We love this!
You can check out their instagram @mimpimdesign and they bought our stretchy cotton lycra 'Golden Skulls' fabric from Rosa huset 

 Mostly my fabrics are used for covering furniture and even my cushion covers are sometimes used for that too. BVN Design have done so many great pieces of furniture using our cushion covers...

And here, using our Tropical cushion cover, they even make this years Pantone colour 'Greenery' look cool, and that, my friend, really takes some skills!

And speaking of BVN Design, they have a really great 15% off deal this weekend on all Van Asch chairs, so if you need some fabulous furniture, check them out! 

Have a wonderful weekend you lovely peeps and I'll be back again same time same place next week...

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